Climate Change Education .Org

Portal to the finest global warming education
resources and programs available on planet Earth

Switzerland / Schweiz / Suisse

l'éducation au changement climatique
Global Warming Education Portal
International > Europe > Switzerland

Hot Stuff -- Chill Out

Meeting the Energy

Konstantinos Boulouchos
of the Institute of Energy
Technology, Zurich
and Stephen Schneider,
Stanford University

Stephen Schneider:
invaluable advisor,
international leader
in climate science

Essential Reading

California, Swiss,
international scientists
and educators --
working together:
developing some of
world's most effective,
engaging science
education resources.
Real science evidence,
not politicized campaigns.

Thank you
swiss nex San Francisco
for recommendations of
great Swiss programs
and resources.

Europe Index     European Union    Copenhagen -- Education
Austria   Belgium    Bulgaria   Cyprus   Czech Republic   Denmark    Estonia   Finland
   France   Germany   Greece   Greenland   Hungary   Iceland   Ireland   Italy   Latvia
Lithuania   Luxembourg    Malta   Netherlands   Nordic Region   Norway    Portugal
Romania    Russia    Slovakia    Slovenia   Spain    Sweden    Switzerland
United Kingdom    Vatican City   More

MyClimate   de   fr
Climate Education   Booklet [52 pg pdf]
Schools and young people
Facts about Climate Change   Tips

Games  Events, Booths
Hot Stuff-Chill Out
Climate Audio Trail in Swiss Alps
Exhibits at the Museum of Transport
Professional Development for Employees
Team   International Representatives  Site Map

Portal: ProClim -- Klimaportal
Rich with Photographs
Eis und Schnee    Tiere und Pflanzen   Wasser   Energie
  Wetter und Klima   Landnutzung  Wirtschaft   Gesundheit  Impressum / Imprint
Informationen zu Klimaänderung, Auswirkungen und Massnahmen
Proclim--Forum for Climate and Global Change & Swiss Academy of Sciences

Hot Stuff -- Chill Out
Cool Projects   Classes   Forum   How it works    About
The Hot Stuff – Chill Out project links school classes around the world.
Young people exchange ideas about the effects of climate change
in the country of their partner class.

       University of Bern    DE    FR    Portrait [24 pg pdf]
Oeschger Centre for Climate Change Research
Booklet    Seminars    Teaching/Education
Graduate School of Climate Sciences
Intro Page    Courses   Bern – Climate Hub   Research Units
Faculty   Students   Careers   Employers   FAQ

National Centres of Competence in Research (NCCR)
[see dedicated module on NCCR below]

Institute of Geography / Geographisches Institut (GIUB)
Quaternary climate change and terrestrial ecosystems
IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change in Bern
Working Group I -- The Physical Science Basis
Energy Efficiency 2    Solar Energy

National Centres of Competence in Research   DE
Teaching Material   Science Contest   Studying Climate Science
Summer School    Young Researchers

Summer School: 29 August – 3 September 2010, Grindelwald
Press Coverage
Boxenstopp: Der NFS Klima orientiert über
vier Jahre Klimaforschung
[93 pg pdf]
SGIS Annual Conference, held March 2010,
at The International School of Lausanne

Swiss Federal Office for the Environment
Deutsch   Français   Italiano
Climate / Klima    Biodiversity    International
Energie und Umwelt    Other topics

Schools/ Environmental Education   Topic Index
Swiss climate policy at a glance [19 page brochure]   Status report on Climate
Tackling climate change in the Alps    Alpine Space Programme
Permafrost Map
    CO2 tax   Emissions trading
National Emissions Trading Registry    News Archive
International Affairs / Conventions    Contact / Division organization

swissnex      Bern Headquarters
San Francisco  (ClimateChangeEducation.Org's home base city)
swissnex's FORA TV Channel   Links   Search: Climate Change
Higher Education in Switzerland [48 pg pdf]   Campus & Research Park [44 pg pdf]

swissnex is a network of science and technology outposts run by the
Swiss State Secretariat for Education and Research (SER), in close
cooperation with the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA).
swissnex is a key component of the Swiss strategic policy on the promotion
of education, research and innovation set by the Federal Council.
Apart from Europe, the U.S, India, China, Russia and South Africa
are priority countries for bilateral cooperation given their proven
potential for scientific and technological development. Brazil, Chile,
Japan and South Korea will get special attention as well.

bangalore   boston    san francisco    singapore    shanghai
Examples: News item: Dye-sensitized solar cells
Blog: May 2010 Study Tour of Renewable Energy in Switzerland
Bilateral event --held in San Francisco, March 2010:
Meeting the Energy Challenge
with Konstantinos Boulouchos of Institute of Energy Technology, Zurich
and Stephen Schneider, Stanford University

Swisscom's Climate Pioneers Program


International Organizations -- in Geneva and Bern

IPCC -- Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
International Office (Geneva)
World Meteorological Organization HQ Building
Working Group I -- The Physical Science Basis (Bern)
University of Bern   


WWF - Scheiz    Français    Italiano
Klima    Der WWF für Kinder und Jugendliche
Climate Witness: Marco Bomio, Switzerland
Hohlstrasse 110 8010 Zuerich Switzerland +41 44 297 21 21 +41 44 297 21 00
Viale Stazione 35 6501 Bellinzona Switzerland +41 91 820 60 00
ch. de Poussy 14 1214 Vernier-Geneve Switzerland +41 22 939 39 90
How to find WWF International WWF International,
Avenue du Mont-Blanc 1196 Gland, Switzerland Tel: (+41 22) 364 91 11

   Switzerland: World Leading Climate Education Programs  

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Thank you NASA Goddard, for base image: composite satellite photos of Earth.