Climate Change Education .Org

Portal to the finest global warming education
resources and programs available on planet Earth

The Netherlands / Nederland

Global Warming Education Portal
International > Europe > Netherlands


Thank you! :
Marielle Lapidaire,
Walter Groenen,
Guusje Groenen, &
Danielle Groenen
for the research,
on two continents,
which made this
page possible.


Europe Index     European Union    Copenhagen -- Education

VROM--Volkshuisvesting, ruimtelijke ordening en milieu
(Housing, public space and environment)
Klimaatverandering -- Introduction

Mission Wadlandis / Missie Wadlandis
Climate change game
Game for children created by the Wadden Sea Society  
Aim of the game: Find Prof. Plug in order to stop
the rising sea level problem!
Need to download Google Earth first.

Wadlandis Home

Home (in English)     Home (in Dutch)    Projects
Water excess and climate change
Dutch forests in climate change

2009 Publications by Dutch scientists (In English)
Research and consultancy organization dedicated to
creating a sustainable future for the water resources
in the Netherlands and beyond


The Netherlands Climate Assistance Programme


Hier (Here) -- Nederland klimaatneutraal
Links     School     Partners
From the site:
Hier (Dutch for ‘Here‘) is the name of a large Dutch climate program
whose fundamental idea it is to stress the immediate necessity
to implement adaptation projects and initiatives to climate change.
Hier introduces a new brand uniting and representing all initiatives
that reduce the risk of climate change. This campaign involves
not only >40 national charity organisations, but also government
and businesses. Eventually, this could be a starting point
for an international campaign.


Other Websites of interest that we are exploring  
Wubbo Ockels -- Holland's first astronaut

Teacher's Website for Copenhagen Conference
UN Climate Change Conference (COP15) -- December 2009
Highlight Samples    Put Your school on the map    Projects
  Teachers Blog   Student Blog   


©2009   Created by docents, scientists, teachers, students, artists...
Thank you NASA Goddard, for base image: composite satellite photos of Earth.