Climate Change Education .Org

Portal to the finest global warming education
resources and programs available on planet Earth

European Union / l'Union européenne / EU

Europäische Union/Unión Europea/Europese Unie
Global Warming Education Portal
International > Europe > European Union > Index



Europe Index     European Union    Copenhagen -- Education
Austria   Belgium    Bulgaria   Cyprus   Czech Republic   Denmark    Estonia   Finland
   France   Germany   Greece   Greenland   Hungary   Iceland   Ireland   Italy   Latvia
Lithuania   Luxembourg    Malta   Netherlands   Nordic Region   Norway    Portugal
Romania    Russia    Slovakia    Slovenia   Spain    Sweden    Switzerland
United Kingdom    Vatican City   More

The European Commission
How can you control climate change?
Understanding Climate Change
EU Action Against Climate Change (multiple languages)
For Schools
Teenagers from 21 EU Member States Give Animated Tips
Test Your Knowledge - Quiz! 
Your Action Counts   
News, Media   Grants   Documents   Forum  

Teacher's Website for Copenhagen Conference
UN Climate Change Conference (COP15) -- December 2009
Highlight Samples    Put Your school on the map    Projects
  Teachers Blog   Student Blog   

The European Space Agency
New satellite techniques for looking at climate change 
Space and Earth Monitoring - Climate
SMOS satellite & ocean salinity: Helping Europe respond to climate change
SMOS Mission: video (mp4)
International Arctic summer school 2009 - for PhD students
Search from within ESA site

The European Space Agency - Kids
Climate change challenges - games, quizes
Global warming for kids
Explore planet Earth in near-real time!
Aeolus, ESA's wind watcher
Greenhouse gases star in space movies
New portrait of Earth shows land cover as never before
Satellite images disappearing Arctic ice
Climate Change students help CryoSat-2 Arctic campaign

The European Environment Agency
Climate Change theme page - multiple languages
Multimedia - images, videos

The European Union
Hot Topics: Climate Change/Environment
Education (general)


European Commission -- Directorate -- General for Energy and Transportation: Kids Corner

©2009   Created by docents, scientists, teachers, students, artists...
Thank you NASA Goddard, for base image: composite satellite photos of earth.