Climate Change Education .Org

Portal to the finest global warming education
resources and programs available on planet Earth


Global Warming Education Portal
International > Asia > China > Index


Mobile Climate
Science Labs


International School on
Climate System and
Climate Change

Bio Solar CO2 Absorber
We Are Saving the World .Org

Asia Highlights, Index
Bangladesh  China  India   Iran   Israel   Indonesia   Japan   Jordan   Lebanon   Maldives
Myanmar  Nepal   Pakistan   Palestine   Russia   Singapore   South Korea   Sri Lanka

AP-NET: Asia-Pacific Network on Climate Change
气候变化 )

Climate Change Public Awareness ,Education and
Training Experience from China [18 slides in PDF]

China's National Climate Change Program
Public Awareness on Climate Change

Mobile Climate Science Labs    
K-12 Schools; Public Events; Aquariums, Museums, and Science Centers;
Teacher PD; ConferencesUniversitiesBusiness; Government

Clean Tech Competition
For ages 13-18 --in San Francisco/Bay Area & Xi'an, China
Engage in common challenges to highlight the roles that
science and technology and the strategy of design play
in solving problems that transcend national boundaries.

Mission    How to Participate    Register    Awards
Webpages about the competition and program in Chinese
2011-2012 Challenge: Solar Solutions to the Rescue
Program Partners:    Applied Materials    NSTA   
China Association of Children’s Science Instructors (CACSI)
Children & Youth Science Center of CAST

China Association of Children's Science Instructors
Web references: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

China Association for Science and Technology
Member Associations -- Listings: 1 2

Children & Youth Science Center of CAST
National Science Communication Day   Hands-on Lab

A-29 Chinese Society of Environmental Science
A-30 China Research Society of Natural Resources
B-39 Chinese Solar Energy Society
B-40 Chinese Energy Research Society
E-17 China Association of Science Instructors for Youth and Children
E-15 Chinese Association of Natural Science Museums
E-18 China Science Film and Video Association
E-17 China Association of Science Instructors for Youth and Children

The People’s Republic of China
Initial National Communication on Climate Change

[20 page pdf]
Education, Training and Public Awareness
China’s National Climate Change Programme [63 page pdf]
. . . Public Awareness on Climate Change
- page 55
Members of the National Coordination Committee on Climate Change

Beijing Climate Center
Major and Extreme Weather/Climate Events Monitoring
Education and Training

Joint US-China Cooperation on Clean Energy
Mayoral Training   Lighting Giveaway
JUCCCE Green Parents Presentation (18 pg pdf)
China Energy Forum -- Beijing Held Nov 2008

            Skeptical Science      
International team applying real scientific skepticism to examine denier arguments
Great resource for teachers, parents, and students; classroom and public discussions.
Arguments   Quick access URL's    Smartphone apps!      Book      About
ResourcesGuide   Graphics   Politician quotes: Myth Busters   Links sorted by argument
Translations: content available in over a dozen languages
In Chinese   

We Are Saving the World .Org
Education program using empty water bottles
Growing Algae, Absorbing CO2

Building The Bio Solar CO2 Absorber     Participating Schools
Based in Chengdu, China

©2009-2011   Created by docents, scientists, teachers, students, artists...
Thank you NASA Goddard, for base image: composite satellite photos of Earth.