Climate Change Education .Org

Portal to the finest global warming education
resources and programs available on planet Earth


Global Warming Education Portal
International > Asia > India > Index

Portal Website for:


World Environment
Day 2008
Centre for Env. Education

Asia Highlights, Index
Bangladesh  China  India   Iran   Israel   Indonesia   Japan   Jordan   Lebanon   Maldives
Myanmar  Nepal   Pakistan   Palestine   Russia   Singapore   South Korea   Sri Lanka

The Energy and Resources Institute - TERI
New risks of climate change; building capacity
to protect the most vulnerable

Modular web-based learning

TERI Technologies
Practical innovations that underlin
the sustainable use of natural resources
Mitigation Options for India (PDF)
Low Carbon pathways: Improved cookstoves programme in North India
Savings on biomass and also labor and personal energy for villagers.
Case Studies in energy and sustainable development

CO2 -- Pick Right
Centre for Environment Education

Pick Right   Educational Packet for Schools  Stickers and Posters
T-shirts and Caps  Pick Right Climate Change Page  
Presentation by Dr. Pachauri (21 page pdf)
Creeping Disasters  Why All the Fuss?  The Need to Act  Cooler Planet
Links  World Environment Day 2008  UNEP WED2008 website  
Centre for Environment Education

Education in the Schools of India
Central Board of Secondary Education - Senior School Curriculum 2010
( 344 page pdf ): Climate Change is well integrated into
national education standards in multiple subjects.
Green Olympiad - Students of class 8, 9 and 10 compete for cash
prizes. The theme in 2007 was 'Our Environment and Climate Change'

More Planetwide:  Australia   Canada   Spain   UK   US

Public Awareness

Photos   FAQ   Resources
Kids Corner

Centre for Social Markets
Review of Bangalore ‘City Dialogue’ On Climate Change, Mumbai (PDF)
Climate Challenge India - an independent, non-partisan,
non-political educational effort designed to spread awareness
and generate positive energy on climate issues in India.
Many other public dialogs, events, publications

Delhi Greens
Eco-Spirituality Amidst the Fight Against Climate Change
Recent international conference
More recent seminars and conferences
Verve '09: Youth Summit on Wildlife
Includes half day on "Climate change and Wildlife"

National Action Plan on Climate Change
Prime Minister's Speech
Summary by Pew Center on Global Climate Change

Faith-Based Projects
India campaign enlists children in tackling climate change
UK-based NGO Christian Aid and its local partners
- an awareness raising campaign aimed at reaching 10,000 schools

Centre for Environmental Education
Greenhouse Gases - background, abatement mechanisms,
equity, preparations

Climate Change Articles
What does climate change mean for India?
Mangoes and Global Warming:
Should we become massive consumers of electricity, like the West?

Photos, World Environment Day 2008

Center for Development Education (India)
Current Projects; International Climate Challenge
ICC Song download:  English  Hindi

India and the International Community
British Council: International Climate Champions of India:
Nidhi Patel Talks About Impacts in her Home, Vadodara -
and the need for education (Youtube video)
Greenpeace India (Mumbai): Climate Change is Here
Geres India: Seminar: Energy & Climate change in cold regions
Ladakh, April 2009

©2009   Created by docents, scientists, teachers, students, artists...
Thank you NASA Goddard, for base image: composite satellite photos of Earth.