Climate Change Education .Org

Portal to the finest global warming education
resources and programs available on planet Earth


Global Warming Education Portal
International > Asia > Nepal

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Integrated Effort For Development Nepal
News    Partners    Gallery    Contacts
Established in Nepal with purpose of sustainable development led by a
group of professionals in the sustainable development field.
IED focus upon health, education, environment ,women & children and
communication.We are always focus on local solution for global problem.

Video: Effects of global warming on Himalayan Glaciers
UNEP Press Release on Effects in Mountain Areas
Photographs (flickr)     

Initial Communication to the U.N. Framework Convention (pdf, 181 pg)

WWF Nepal
Climate Change: a global concern impacting Nepal
Himalayan youth run to combat climate change
Climate Projects for Nepal

©2010   Created by docents, scientists, teachers, students, artists...
Thank you NASA Goddard, for base image: composite satellite photos of earth.