Climate Change Education .Org:
Mobile Climate Science Labs and Demonstrations

Where Presented: Government --
Events, Trainings, Hearings, TV
Hands-on, Evidence Labs > Where > Government

Mobile Climate
Science Labs

Where Presented:

K-12 Schools
Public Events
Teacher PD
Universities &

In California

Lab Themes
Standards (K-12)
Academic Subjects
About the Labs

Rosenfeld Symposium Proclaimed as meeting of California's "Energy Efficiency Elite". ClimateChangeEdu.Org sole representative for state's educators (beyond universities) Working to inspire millions of kids and public to follow Art Rosenfeld's example.

America's online library
for Education &
Research in Science,

Government Events, Professional Development, Meetings, Hearings, TV
Science educators called on to provide the tools for examining
compelling, exciting evidence -- up close, with your own eyes.
Appearing on local, national and international television.

United Nations World Environment Day: June 1, 2005

The Governor announced greenhouse gas
emission reduction targets for California.

United Nations World Environment Day 2005
Civic Center San Francisco.
Executive Order S-3-05 establishes targets
and charges the California Environmental
Protection Agency secretary with the
coordination of the
oversight of efforts to achieve them.
Full Text of Executive Order

Simultaneously, for the thousands
of school kids outside,
and for international TV,
science center volunteers and docents
lead hands-on science demonstrations
on global warming.
Chosen to represent California's finest
education programs on climate change.
Governor's California Tomorrow Pavillion

Regularly ( 2003 to present ): education events for staff
and public -- sponsored by local, state & federal agencies

San Francisco -- on-going

Oakland -- April, 2011

Professional Development for NOAA Educators

Opening of NOAA, Marine Sanctuary's Ocean Climate Center -- 2010

Providers of the hands on science exhibits for
State of California hosted conferences -- since 2006

United States Mission to the United Nations, Geneva Switzerland
Transformative Education Forum -- Planning Meeting

NASA's climate education events for schools

Science education for informed government staff & official, public:
Part of city and state climate action plans

Green Energy Festival
City of San Francisco

City of Berkeley's voter mandated
Climate Action -- first in United States

Sharing booth space to assist State of California climate youth programs

Large Earth Day Events

California's Climate Champions 2008

Providing background science, tools for examing the evidence:
at request of State of California Legislature and Governor's staff,
as they were deciding to commit California to be the first state
in the U.S. to take on global warming -- April 2005

Mobile Climate Science Labs:
Part of many city sponsored
Earth Day events in California

Awards and Honors Include:

State of California's Flex Your Power
ClimateChangeEducation.Org Honored
for Leadership in Education
-- 2005

United States Environmental Protection Agency
& Bay Area Air Quality Management District

Clean Air Champion Award -- 2004
for leadership in education in climate change and air quality.

Presenters, science education providers for many agencies, including:

Working together with hands-on climate science programs
across the United States and around the world.
If you have a hands-on science education program, especially if
related to climate change and energy, let's work together.

©2011 ClimateChangeEducation.Org