Back 2 Cool
Informed choices.
What different companies are doing about
climate change.

Japan for Sustainability

Union of Concerned Scientists

United Kingdom
America's online library
for Education & Research
in Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics:


Cool the Earth 
Engaging kids and their families in climate change
by motivating
them to take simple, measurable actions to
conserve energy.
Collectively, these actions, and an increased
awareness of energy,
will make a significant impact on global warming.
For K-8 students
and their parents, families.

Back 2 Cool 
Helping students to know what different companies are doing about
climate change. Which are helping, which are harming.
Using the power
of informed choices.
Video |


The Story of Stuff
With Annie Leonard
Extraction Production Distribution Consumption Disposal Another Way
From its extraction through sale, use and disposal,
all the stuff in our lives affects communities at home and abroad, yet most of this is hidden from view.
The Story of Stuff is a 20-minute, fast-paced, fact-filled look at the underside of our production and consumption patterns.


Yes, public education is itself a big part of real solutions.
Al Gore won the Nobel Prize largely for his work in
education and public awareness on climate change
An Inconvenient Truth
You can make a big difference as a professional educator or volunteer!
Informed Action, Response, Lifestyle, Choices.