Climate Change Education .Org

Portal to the finest global warming education
resources and programs available on planet Earth


Global Warming Education Portal
International > North America > Canada > K-12 Schools


Portal Website for:


Canada Highlights    National/Federal
    Provinces & Territories    Cities    K-12 Schools
    University Level    Science Centers & Museums
NGO's/Community/Non-profits    More
An Educational Resource for Northerners
Information • Awareness • Action
Backgrounders (Intermediate; High School)
For Students: Climate Change and MY Future?
(Backgrounders; Resources; Student Exchange)
Lesson Plans (Primary and Intermediate; High School)
Curriculum Links, each grade K-12, for three regions.
Climate Change Glossary

Northern Climate Change Schools Program
Classroom Data Exchange
Where teachers and their classrooms
share the results of their activities
Baker Lake Science 35 students community weather survey.
Climate Change Resources
Instructional Resources - Lesson Plans

Alberta Government
Climate Change: Creating Solutions for Our Future -
Education Kit

Curriculum-linked climate change unit that will help teachers
improve their students' awareness and understanding of
climate change. Fitted to Pan-Canadian Science Framework
for Canadian Science Education
PDF, 181 pages

BC Campus Climate Network
A partnership of climate change and sustainability organizations at high
schools, colleges, universities and other education institutions across B.C.

Youth driven project at Thompson Rivers University, the University of
Victoria and the University of British Columbia, reaching out to
thousands of students across the province to educate, inspire, engage
and support youth taking climate action on their campuses
and in their communities.
Going Beyond Climate-Neutral:
Education, Partnerships andPlanning
Renewable Energy Project Plans to Build Working
Models - For Teachers, Students, and Leaders
Student Showcase - June 2009

Climate Change Education Saskatchewan
Resources for Educators
Youth Art Gallery
Curriculum Cross Reference Materials -
Elementary, Middle, Secondary;
Science, Social Studies, Health, Math, Journalism, Arts
Mini Units - K-12
Musical Play about Climate Change for Students

New Brunswick Climate Change
Public Education and Outreach Hub

Resources for Educators
Climate Change in Our Region - Policies, What can be done by sector
What You Can Do

BC Climate Exchange
Resources for Businesses, Local Governments
or First Nations, Teachers, Residents.

Youth and Schools Resources - listing with

full project descriptions, staff contacts, links to 68
resource sites. Global Warning
Impact of Climate Change on B.C. -
Rich interactive multimedia, text, streaming video series - description
Classroom Guide to the Video Series (pdf - 73 pages)

Ontario Teacher's Federation, Camp OTF
Climate Change Education Workshop for
Secondary School Learners
(pdf, 6 pages)

The CO2 Effect
Case of the Warming Planet
EcoClimates of Canada
Eco-Quiz Challenges

More Resources
IceWatch Canada
BC Sustainable Energy Association:
Climate Change Showdown workshop for your classroom

Environment Canada: Clean Air, Climate Change and Stratospheric Ozone Depletion
Nature Canada: Climate Change and Birds  Your Family Can Fight Global Warming
Ministry of Education Green Schools News:
Action Charter Between Province and Board of Education (pdf, 4 pages)

Natural Resources Canada
Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation

Adaptation 101
Regional Map linking to full regional reports.
Research Database by project type and by province.
Climate Change Impact Posters by region.
Presentations - Speaker Series - PDF downloads
Climate Change in Canada - Curriculum Tools Grade 5:
Teacher's Resources

WildBC: Climate Change Education
Curriculum, Primers, Activities for grades 4, 7, 10-12; links

Climate Change Education Centre
Conservation Corps of
Newfoundland and Labrador
pdfs: Impact on NL  Canada and the World
Take Action   Science   Health
BC Working Group and Network on Sustainability Education:
Climate Change and Air Quality
Young Leaders' Summit on Northern Climate Change
Youth Climate Leadership Alliance

©2009   Created by docents, scientists, teachers, students, artists...
Thank you NASA Goddard, for base image: composite satellite photos of Earth.