Film Director
Franny Armstrong
Age of Stupid
North American
Theater Premier:
Who Was There
Photos 1 2
We cannot recommend
The Age of Stupid
for K-12 schools,
as the director has been
making scientifically
false claims in
publicity statements --
specifically that
IPCC scientists
project the extinction of
the human species by
2055 due to
climate change. The film also
makes this claim.
The projections are bad enough without having to
resort to such
alarming statements.

Available Now on DVD
With "Who Killed
the Electric Car?"
A NOAA/NASA Science on a Sphere Presentation,
at Science Centers and Museums Internationally


We are currently checking with NOAA and NASA to locate a web source for a
list of SOAS locations
running Frozen --
providing dates and showtimes.


SFIFF and Climate Change Education .Org
for 2009
Age of Stupid [North American Premier]
A Sea Change [West Coast Debut]

Write us if you know of more upcoming or current film releases
We list here fine current first run films on global warming
and/or climate change solutions. |