Climate Change in Our World
"Climate Change in Our World," is an exhibit of large-scale color photographs by Gary Braasch, who has been documenting climate change and its solutions for a decade. These photographs, which range in size up to 5 feet, are from the book "Earth Under Fire," published in 2007. The exhibit opens at the American Association for the Advancement of Science HQ Atrium in Washington DC on November 10, 2009. A companion exhibit for kids, parents and school groups, "How We Know About Our Changing Climate," will highlight how scientists learn about climate change and include kids taking action, in the films "Young Voices on Climate Change." The exhibit will draw attention to the reality of climate change in Washington DC leading up to the Copenhagen international climate negotiations. |
"ReThink" is an art project that thematizes climate changes through Nordic and international contemporary art. The project consists of a large art exhibition that presents works by Nordic and international contemporary artists working in the intersection of arts, climate change, culture and technology. The Nordic Culture Fund has named the exhibition The Nordic Exhibition of the Year 2009-2010. The exhibition opens in Denmark on the 31st of October as a prelude to COP15. |
C Words
"C Words: carbon, climate, capital, culture, How did you get here and where are we going?" is a two-month investigation into carbon, climate, capital and culture proposed by the Artist-activist group, Platform and their collaborators. Based on Platform's 25 years of research, art and action, "C Words" cross-examines the present and looks to the next two decades. How did we get here? Where are we going? Who's deciding? Who's made invisible? Whose future matters? Platform members will be in residence at Arnolfini in Bristol, UK throughout the project, which includes qver 25 events, installations, performances, actions, walks, courses, discussions and skills-sharing events. There is also a blog for the project. |
Icelandic Butterflies
"A People's Guide to Icelandic Butterflies" seeks to capture and collect imaginings of butterflies arriving in Iceland as the temperatures warm. Because butterflies are highly sensitive to changes in their environments—responding to even the most subtle shifts in temperature—scientists consider them excellent indicators of climate change. This project welcomes submissions of butterflies and stories from everyone. View the gallery of butterflies to see images from kids, professional artists, and everyone in between. |
Nature Version 2.0
"Nature Version 2.0: Ecological Modernities and Digital Environmentalism" is a survey of artists who reinvent environmentalism for a digital age in a number of ways: by examining how digital technologies can make ecological problems more salient, by reusing and recycling obsolete technologies for new uses, and by exploring how digital spaces and the public domain may require environmental protection much like nature. Re-imagining the relationship between nature and technology, Nature Version 2.0 suggests an ethics of the network and an environmentalism of natural, built, and digital spaces. |
Global Warming at the Icebox
"Global Warming" at the Icebox Project Space in Philadelphia's Crane Arts Building was an international sculpture exhibition. |
Stranded Polar Bear
15 Artists created a giant polar bear that floated on the Thames River. This exhibit coincided with the "Fragile Earth" series debut on the Eden Channel. |
River Pulse
Scientist Tim Ehlinger and Artist Ray Chi teamed up to create this project. The "RiverPulse" Project uses art and technology to interpret scientific water quality data for students and the general public - showing the interconnectivity of people and their communities in the Milwaukee River Basin. It pulls water quality data from a device in a river and turns the data into flowing video-art. |
Artists Respond
"Human/Nature: Artists Respond to a Changing Planet" is a pioneering artist residency and collaborative exhibition project that, for the first time on this scale, uses contemporary art to investigate the changing nature of some of the most biodiverse regions on earth and the communities that inhabit those regions. |
Seeing Green
"Seeing Green" encourages artists to leave the confines of the studio and take an active role with the community, to collaborate and address issues of the environment, and to open a dialog with the public. Guest curator Nicolas Lampert invited over 40 local artists to work on a project for the duration of eight months. During the month of April, 2008 the show will be exhibited at Woodland Pattern Book Center in Milwaukee, Wisconsin where the gallery will serve as a hub space, informing the viewer and the public of the many environmental projects taking place throughout the city, exhibiting visual work and books, screening films and holding discussions and events based around the exhibition. |
Survival and Utopia: Visions of Balance in Transformation
Transmediale 09's exhibition offers a spectrum of artistic positions, inquiries and responses to the dichotomy of impending climate change. Will the melting of the polar ice-caps lead to an emergency situation in which survival is paramount? Or will the global situation give rise to a dramatic cultural rethink; will today’s artists contribute to new imaginings of a political, social and economic utopia? "Survival and Utopia: Visions of Balance in Transformation" explores these notions with a series of provoking, interdisciplinary works that, within the specially-commissioned festival architecture by Berlin based art and architecture collective raumtaktik, seek to redefine the spaces in which artists operate. |
Weather Report
"Weather Report: Art & Climate Change" is an exhibition curated by internationally renowned critic, art historian, and writer Lucy R. Lippard. It is presented in collaboration with EcoArts. This exhibit partners the art and scientific communities to create a visual dialogue surrounding climate change. Historically, visual arts play a central role in attracting, inspiring, educating and motivating audiences. "Weather Report: Art and Climate Change" will exhibit artwork, in the museum and our partnering venues, and in outdoor site specific locations throughout Boulder, that will activate personal and public change. |
Beyond Green
Sustainable design attempts to meet the needs of the present without compromising those of future generations. Balancing environmental, social, economic, and aesthetic concerns, sustainable design has the potential to transform everyday life and is being enacted around the world in large and small ways not only by architects and designers but also by growing numbers of activists, corporations, policymakers, and possibly even your next-door neighbors. Beyond Green: Toward a Sustainable Art explored how this design philosophy resonates with an emerging generation of international artists who combine a fresh aesthetic sensibility with a constructively critical approach to the production, dissemination, and display of art. |
The tradition of portraying the landscape has threaded together movements as varied as the mid-19th century Hudson River School and the Earth Art of the 1960s and ‘70s. "Badlands: New Horizons in Landscape," at MASS MoCA (Massachusetts Museum of Contemporary Art), opens the next chapter in the landscape tradition, addressing contemporary ideas of exploration, population of the wilderness, land usage, environmental politics and the relativity of aesthetic beauty. Badlands comes at this critical time, an era when the world is more ecologically aware yet more desperately in need of solutions than ever before. |
Polar Thaw
Polar Thaw, a 30-print exhibit of photographs by Gary Braasch from locations of Arctic and Antarctic climate warming, opened in the spring of 2000 at the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Washington DC. It has also been exhibited at the Science Museum of Minnesota, and at the Field Museum of Natural History in Chicago. Gary Braasch is an environmental photographer who for 25 years has reported on natural history in many parts of the world. Since 1999, he has been working on a project titled "World View of Global Warming" in which he photographs areas on all continents that illustrate documented results of climate change and repeats historic photographs to show the changes. He works with environmental groups, scientists and editors to educate the public, urging government and corporate sectors to more directly address the reality of climate change.
One Planet, One Chance
Magnum Photos, a photographic co-operative, recently produced this beautiful and disturbing photo essay about climate change. Rich countries are already preparing public health to deal with future climate shocks. For poor countries it is much harder: they need international support to adapt. We are drifting into a world of adaptation apartheid.
Extreme Ice
Remarkable time-lapse footage by one of the world's foremost nature photographers reveals massive glaciers and ice sheets splitting apart, collapsing, and disappearing at a rate that has more and more scientists alarmed. This NOVA-National Geographic Television special investigates the latest evidence of a radically warming planet.