Climate Change Education .Org web portal video selection

Video:    I'm a Climate Scientist

Director/Writer: Dan Ilic. Made for the television show Hungry Beast (ABC-TV).
Rappers: real climate scientists in Australia. Including: Dr. Jason Evans, Roger Jones, Ailie Gallant
Instrumental audio (local climate scientists can rap it too)

Thank you, Jay Moynihan, for the resource recommendation

"yo....we're climate scientists.. and there's no denying this Climate Change Is REEEEALL..
Who's a climate scientist..
I'm a climate scientist..
Not a cleo finalist
No a climate scientist
Droppin facts all over this wax
While bidness be crying about a carbon tax
Climate change is caused by people
Earth Unlike Alien Has no sequel
We gotta move fast or we'll be forsaken,
Cause we were too busy suckin things Copenhagen: (Politician)
I said Burn! it's hot in here..
32% more carbon in the atmosphere.
Oh Eee Ohh Eee oh wee ice ice ice
Raisin' sea levels twice by twice
We're scientists, what we speak is True.
Unlike Andrew Bolt our work is Peer Reviewed... ooohhh
Who's a climate scientist.. I'm a climate scientist..
An Anglican revivalist No a climate scientist
Feedback is like climate change on crack
The permafrosts subtracts: feedback
Methane release wack : feedback..
Write a letter then burn it: feedback
Denialists deny this in your dreams
Coz climate change means greater extremes,
Heat won't be the norm
Heatwaves bigger badder storms
The Green house effect is just a theory sucker (Alan Jones)
Yeah so is gravity float away muther floater
Who's a climate scientist..
I'm a climate scientist..
I'm not a climate Scientist
Who's Climate Scientists
A Penny Farthing Cyclist
A Fox News Journalist?
A Paleontologist?
A Clean Coal Lobbyist?
A Cashed up Alarmist?
No! a climate scientist! Yo! Preach! "