North American Theater Premier:
May 2009, San Francisco Who Was There

 Photos 1 2
Age of Stupid
Stephen Schneider
Michael Wehner
Film Synopsis 1 2
Recommendations by

Film Director
Franny Armstrong in discussion with
educators after special
screening for schools
May 4, 2009
|  |
We worked to assure that not only would the theaters be filled, but that representatives were there from
key segments of
the climate change community.
This was the chance to see the film in advance;
to share comments and prepare for the international release. |
Climate Scientists, Experts
Invited by ClimateChangeEducation.org There to see the film, how it portrays Earth's climate future.
|     | 
Union of Concerned Scientists
    | Stanford
Woods Institute
UC Davis, Atmospheric Studies
UC Davis, Land Air Water R.
Lawrence Berkeley Nat'l Labs
UC San Diego
UC Berkeley
Science Museum Staff and Volunteers
|     | 
California Academy of Sciences
Climate Change Education .Org
Monterey Bay Aquarium
Lawrence Hall of Science
There by invitation from ClimateChangeEducation.Org and Film Festival
NGO's /Community Orgs.
|     | 
Ecology Center
Global Warming California .Net
World Wildlife Fund
Sierra Club

Kyoto USA
Focus the Nation
    |  Global Warming Kids .Net Toast Busters (Older Kids)
Alliance for Climate Protection
There by invitation from ClimateChangeEducation.Org and Film Festival State of California Programs
|    |

Calif Climate Champions
Air Resources Board

Flex Your Power
Cal Energy Commission
Cool California

Many of the individuals, organizations, and agencies above
come together at this annual conference.

Two films on climate change, co-presented by
SFIFF and Climate Change Education .Org,
May of 2009:
Age of Stupid [North American Premier]
A Sea Change [West Coast Debut]